Biosolids Management

Dredging & Dewatering

Flexible Fluid Transport Solutions

Industrial Effluents Treatment

Lead Free Solutions

PFAS Removal Solutions

Water Main Renewal

Construction & Demolition Fines Recycling

Environmental Site Remediation

Industrial Degraded Sites Management

Regulated Materials Management

Risk Assessment

Soil and Material Management

The Cost (and Value) of Water – Water Canada

The Cost (and Value) of Water – Water Canada

After Walkerton, Ontario municipalities were tasked with ensuring their populations had access to clean, safe drinking water systems in a way that was financially sustainable. This meant that in order to protect people, they’d also be responsible for enforcing a...
Words On Water: Ben Cote on Repairing Water Mains and Lead Lines

Words On Water: Ben Cote on Repairing Water Mains and Lead Lines

Ben Cote is the President of Altra Solutions. In this episode Ben discusses how repairing and replacing water mains and lead service lines are costly, disruptive to communities, and have a negative environmental impact from the construction. He talks about a solution...